Making tracks, on a journey, inward and outward with no destination. Nowhere to go, nothing to do but follow instinct and inspiration into the unknown. Coloured paint on black paper, these drawings could be read as plans, and in the aboriginal sense, the world seen from above, observations from the clouds. They could also represent views of the cosmos, witness to the invisible, unseen tracks that connect us all.
In most of my recent work, I seek to make connection in these times of separation and fracture, within and without our disintegrated communities. Black paper is the backdrop to these dark times emergence of colour is the hope we all must have to make sense of the journey ahead. We are surrounded by a sense of foreboding and chaos but within the chaos we find intersections and crossroads that make for unity, introspection and enlightenment. The way forward, is the way within and in these moments of contemplation perhaps we discover that our traditional maps have become redundant and that new ones emerge in a number of different forms.